rasg wrote:
If you haven’t updated to OS 18, 18.01 or 18.1 yet you can still use them as hearing aids. They are not available the UK either on IOS 18.1.
No, you can't.
I am in the UK and I have been using them as hearing aids for over a month. They have worked since September 2022 when the Airpod Pro 2s were first launched. They work extremely well for me with my mild to moderate hearing loss.
The new Hearing Aid feature is not the same as Live Listen, which is what I suspect you've been using. The Hearing Aid function requires that your phone be updated to iOS 18.1. And it also hasn't been released in the U.K.
If you have updated to IOS 18 of any flavour it may be possible to roll back to IOS 17.7 if you have a backup on iCloud or on your computer but it's better if you haven’t made the update.
Downgrading is not supported and never has been.
I am running 17.7.1 and I won't be updating any time soon because i love my Airpods.
You will not lose Live Listen if you update your iPhone.
Well Idris, you are 100% WRONG.
I have NOT been using Live Listen.
Airpod Pro 2s have been available to use as hearing aids since September 2022 when they were released but Apple kept quiet about but probably gleaned a massive amount of data at the same time. There are many videos on YouTube explaining how to set them up as hearing aids and five weeks ago I did exactly that.
I have been using them using the Audiogram from my local Costco Hearing Centre but I also used the Mimi app for a couple of tests before the Audiologist sent it to me and they work REALLY well for me and I have spent a LOT of time getting to know them. How they work. Amount of noise cancelling that suits me etc and I now use Adaptive Mode for most things that I do.
IOS 18.1 has now localised the use of them as hearing aids to the countries that have been "approved" for the use of them but if any of them have a spare iPhone or iPad running 17.7.1 or earlier they can set them up as hearing aids.
I have been doing exactly that for five weeks.