Can a healthy but very old MBP (5,5) with 10.6 OS be configured to operate on a Mesh wifi network?
I was given the subject MBP by an old friend who is forced to liquidate his gear and enter an elder care facility. I'm wondering if this device could be dusted off and put to some good use in his new place, but I can't get it to network via my home wifi. So, no email or other network-dependent functionality.
There seems to be an issue with WEP vs. WPA security, an area that I have no working knowledge of. Could anyone give me guidance on this. My network is WPA2, and the old Airport card in the MBP seems to prefer WEP, as I read the problem via the computer's network diagnostics. Is this a fatal incompatibility? I have no idea what the wifi characteristics will be at his new place, but anticipate that if I can't make it work here, it won't work there.
Earlier Mac models