Import entire .ics calendar to iCloud
I’m trying to transfer all of my Google calendars to new calendars in iCloud. I’ve exported all of my calendars to .ics files, and have come across a few ways to open single-event .ics files on iPad, or to import an entire calendar in the Mac app, but I don’t have a Mac. What I would like to do is import these entire calendar .ics files into iCloud calendars on PC, iPad, or online through Is there any way to do this within my given parameters, or do I need to borrow a Mac device to do so?
So far I’ve tried
- opening the files directly in Files
- opening them from an email
- using a Shortcut “ICS To Calendar”
These each just open the list of the events with no option to import or add to calendar. Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated.
iPad Pro, iPadOS 15