Apple Music is Favoriting Incorrect Artists
I have several albums by the artist A. R. Rahman in my music library, but when I click the star near his name to save him as a favorite, Apple Music automatically favorites Andrew Lloyd Webber instead. Sort of. To be more specific:
- Andrew Lloyd Webber is incorrectly favorited in Apple Music on my Mac, but that error does not appear in the Music app on my iPhone.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber's face appears in place of A. R. Rahman’s in my local music library on my phone.
- A. R. Rahman’s photo appears correctly on my local music library on my Mac, however there is now a second "A. R. Rahman" entry containing zero tracks, which does display Andrew Lloyd Webber’s face.
Apple Support has so far been unable to help. We managed to turn off iCloud syncing to my phone, correct everything manually on my Mac, and then turn syncing back on, which fixed the problem for a day or two after the first sync. This morning, however, Andrew Lloyd Webber had been re-favorited again, and his face was substituted for A. R. Rahman's as described above, with no further input from me.
I doubt anyone here has ever had an issue like this, or can offer a resolution, but Apple's engineers have said "they're working on it." And anyone who's ever had a case escalated to the engineers knows exactly what that means.
Thanks for reading.