I updated to 15.1.1 and it appears that my Apple Music problems on my iMac are gone. Yay! Unfortunately, I keep getting the error that I have too many programs open, and I must close things down. I told the Apple Senior Advisor, when he replaced my lemon iMac 2020 after three years with this computer, that 8 Gb of ram wasn't going to do it with me being and Adobe AI and Photoshop user, but he said it would be fine. If I could upgrade the memory, it would, but I'm stuck. Also, after every time I am forced to restart, my finder window previews settings default back to the icons. As long as I am belly aching, I hate the apple Magic Keyboard. I replaced it with a $20 gaming keyboard with large keys, and it works much better with my art programs. Also the Magic Mouse jumps all over the screen sometimes when I accidentally move my finger a millimeter sideways. I have a wired staples mouse to fix that problem. Now I can get some work done! And finally do my Christmas playlists in Apple Music.