daveoj wrote:
Seeing the same, although a certificate that is signed by a private CA (that is otherwise trusted in iOS). The only workaround I have right now is to avoid IMAPS and fall-back to IMAP.
Practically, how did you do that? what settings on the phone mail app did you change to make that happen? I don't think my email server will talk to anything that doesn't request TLS, so I turned off SSL in the advanced settings for that mail account, and none of the authentication methods are supported -- MD5 challenge, etc all happen over SSL -- so I tried "Password", and then the mail app says no password provided (!)... there's 27 characters in the password field!!! I saved it and tried anyway -- it's not working so I am curious how you got that to work.
UPDATE: just to confirm... I tried with SSL turned off. nothing. I then went back to settings, turned SSL back on, and an saving those settings, the top of the settings sheet said "Verifying" and had a spinner, then green check marks appeared next to all my settings... So the settings sheet confirms that they can communicate, and that the phone and email server can establish communication... the problem is that the mail app doesn't fetch new mail from that same account