Clearly in OS 18 Apple has decided to pursue development of a MAJOR overhaul of the OS but partial implementation has so far resulted in multiple problems that apparently will require a series of MANY incremental updates AND the full cooperation of external product and service providers before full, stable functionality is achievedֶֶ. From my experience the best results at least regarding Mail problems were achieved by contacting (by telephone) both Apple AND my external IMAP mail service provider to ensure that both were aware of my observed problems and that they were in need of making whatever changes necessary in BOTH of their “back ends” to get the problem resolved ASAP… when I did so I was assured by my external email service provider that THEY were already aware of the problem and that they expected to have it fixed at THEIR end within a week or so (which did in fact turn out to be true!) while the APPLE “support” rep. that I spoke with initially professed to be unaware of the issue until I persisted by insisting that I knew for a FACT that a multitude were reporting the very same issues online - eventually he finally took the time to actually check relevant company records and discovered that the issues WERE in fact well documented prior to my call and stated that he had no idea when any “fix” might become available. My external IMAP email provider was WAY more knowledgeable about the matter, anticipated resolution and provided an expected time to resolution than Apple “support” was.
Apple consumer tech support is DEFINITELY not at the level that it once was, apparently now relying more heavily on subcontractors who simply roll us through standardized “troubleshooting” steps that sometimes require us to waste our time with them on the phone until EITHER they conclude that they have no idea what the problem is and so report it to Apple OR they finally - after spending an hour or more with us on the phone - take the time to actually look through company documentation when pressed to do so and then discover that it was indeed a problem already known to Apple but that they have no clue as to when or how long it is expected to take for resolution to be achieved.
This is the kind of thing that happens when a company becomes so big that it produces too many different types of product lines within which it produces too many models with too much hardware (and thus software) variation among them, resulting in higher costs and consumer support staff becoming less able to be truly helpful, ultimately resulting in consumer satisfation decreasing over time. Most automobile manufacturers - especially Japanese - learned the relevant lessons a LONG time ago; “tech” companies not so much. I do not expect Apple to improve in these regards to any significant degree until its revenue and profits suffer to a meaningful degree - something that does not yet seem to have occured. One thing I DO know is that complaining about such issues HERE does NOT result in improvement, as THIS “board” was actually created to take the “load” off of corporate customer tech support by encouraging us consumers to help each other out instead of contacting Apple support. Solution: Be prepared to spend the time and energy necessary to CONTACT APPLE customer support (and customer support of relevant external material product and service providers) AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN. That, unfortunately, is the reality of the situation. And if you think OTHER companies of the likes of Apple are much better, I would say you would be mistaken as they ALL “think” alike in these regards.