How do I create a DVD of 3 video clips with a simple menu to navigate them?
I have Final Cut Pro and Compressor (and motion)
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 11.5
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I have Final Cut Pro and Compressor (and motion)
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 11.5
Oops! Sorry. I left out an important word. It's not showing a top level menu on the DVD
I've downloaded a freeware DVDStyler thats working to create what I want but now I dont have the option for closed captions....
I'm really surprised Apple doesn't offer this simple option in their fancy software, even if it is 'outdated'
I keep an older Mac with an old school OS and iDVD on it for the very reason you describe if it is a requirement.
That is one way to achieve your outcome.
The problem is that DVD is "old school".
I'm not aware of an "up to date" Authoring software that comes close to iDVD or Apples DVD Pro.
If you find one, please post back with details.
I've download a freeware product called dvdstyler
Now I just need to figure out how get my closed captions option enabled.
I have the video file with the closed captions embedded.
I also have the orignal file with the captions as a sidecar file.
I’m confused. Isn’t a top level menu what you want? The menu with three items in it?
Make sure these are set correctly as shown:
When the Disc is inserted into a player you should see a Chapter Marker icon:
Click this to reveal your 3 chapters and make a selection.
I've already tried creating one video on the timeline with markers to separate them but no way of really making that into a top level menu
You can’t do that in FCP, and I don’t think you can do it in Compressor.
You can make a project with the three videos in sequence and with chapter markers to easily navigate to each of them.
Thanks, I've done that. I created one project with the 3 videos in sequence and used chapter markers. I've exported to DVD using FCP and with Compressor but its showing a top level menu on the DVD
Unfortunately I do that a lot too.
What do you see in the menu? Make sure there isn’t a chapter marker at the head to the timeline.
Yes this is what I've gotten too. I was hoping the chapter markers can get to the first screen for selection rather than navigating to the little book icon first.
How do I create a DVD of 3 video clips with a simple menu to navigate them?