Iphone12 wont backup
Connected to the internet and set to auto backup, but last back up shows as one month ago. I’ve selected backup now and it seems to just spin calculating time remaining.
iPhone 12
Connected to the internet and set to auto backup, but last back up shows as one month ago. I’ve selected backup now and it seems to just spin calculating time remaining.
iPhone 12
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Please see: If you can't back up to iCloud - Apple Support.
Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
Please see: If you can't back up to iCloud - Apple Support.
Is 'Find my' enabled? Because I'm pretty sure that need to be turned on.
Find My can be on or off for iCloud Backup. It doesn't matter.
Do you have enough iCloud storage?
have you checked your storage?
Thanks. I’ve got plenty of storage and all the other issues cited are fine so I guess I contact support. Appreciate the help from all of you.
It looks like my old iPhone (& iPad) were still being seen for backups. I deleted those and it properly showed that my new phone is backing up daily.
Iphone12 wont backup