Thank you! Altho I shouldn't have click "solved" yet, I still have a question...
First, I complicated my test results by sometimes typing "brides" instead of "bride"... (!!!) Apologies! (the keyword is "bride")
Second, the other issue was caused by the library owner having applied the keyword "Brazil Bride" in addition to "Brazil" and "Bride". Having "Brazil Bride" as a used keyword resulted in a search for Brazil Bride ONLY finding photos with that 2-word keyword.
But I was able to get it to display: photos with both single-word keywords AS WELL AS photos with the 1 two-word keyword this by putting quotation marks around the desired keywords, OR reversing their order without quotation marks:
"Brazil" "Bride" OR Bride Brazil BUT NOT: Brazil Bride
Then it finds keywords with all 3 kinds of keywords ["Brazil" AND "Bride"] OR ["Brazil Bride"]
OR I could simply remove the keyword "Brazil Bride" from all photos.
So am I correct in assuming that the claim "You can type multiple words separated by a space to search for multiple keywords" ONLY if those multiple words do NOT form a phrase that's also being used as a multi-word keyword?
Also, If I can't know which combination of words a future user of this library will use in keyword searches, should I AVOID creating a combo-keyword ("Brazil Bride" or "Bride Brazil") as a keyword - Instead I should use "Bride" and "Brazil"?
Lastly, Is there a way to search for a UNION of keywords rather than an intersection?