Previous program screen will not clear, shows up as transparent ghost on all applications
How do you eliminate ghosting on iPad air2
How do you eliminate ghosting on iPad air2
A forced-restart of your iPad may be helpful in resolving the issue:
A forced-restart of your iPad may be helpful in resolving the issue:
Okay, you are not going to like to learn this, but this is THE ONLY way to, more or less, get rid of the screen “image persistence”/burn-in/“ghosting for quite sometime.
My procedures come from my own direct experiences with this from owning iPads for the past 10 years!
You need to completely charge up this iPad to 100%
Then completely, fully power down the iPad and DO NOT USE OR POWER IT UP FOR AT LEAST 4 DAYS, or so!
DO NOT touch your iPad for, at least 4 days!
NOT 1. NOT 2 and NOT 3 days, either!
Leave that iPad completely powered down and don't even think about touching it for 4 DAYS!
NO CHEATING on this or the image persistence may return prematurely and you will just have to start this whole process all over again!
This will give the iPad ample time for the screen pixels to fully “de-energise” and discharge their energy.
After the 4 day period, this screen “image persistence”/“burn-in”/“ghosting” should not return for quite some time.
This works!
I have done this procedure at least once every two years, or so, to my iPads when my screen started to get this screen image “ghosting” issue and this has worked every single time.
Best of Luck to You!
Tried that several times, same issue remains!
Previous program screen will not clear, shows up as transparent ghost on all applications