Download button doesn't work
In the TV app (on both macOS 10.15.3 and 10.15.4, I see this on two different machines), if I go to content which I have purchased (either movies or TV) and I get to where there's a big "Download" button, so I can download the content, clicking on the button does nothing. There is no indicator from the TV app that I've clicked anything, the Activity Window doesn't show the content start to download, etc.
For movies, I can get around this by going into Account > Purchases and finding the movie and downloading it from there. But for TV programming, it appears that the ability to download-by-episode from the Account system is gone, and so if I want to download the latest episode, I need instead to download the entire season (and then try to kill all the download threads other than the episode I actually want to watch... not in any way ideal).
Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how do you solve it?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 10.15