How to uninstall Mac Magician
How can I uninstall Mac Magician?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.12
How can I uninstall Mac Magician?
iMac 21.5", macOS 10.12
In most cases that is all that required to uninstall apps. There are several methods to uninstall apps:
All methods work, in 95% of the cases the second option is all that is needed.
I was able to find this article, however as I don' t have the app I don't have a need to try it.
Going forward though, please do not install any antivirus, cleaning or any other third party "maintenance" apps on your Mac. Mac OS simply does not need them nor is there any benefit to installing them.
What happens when you drag it to the Trash and empty the Trash?
The link sends me to Combo Cleaner where I have to buy a program to delete Mac Magician. I was hoping to do the uninstall without purchasing anything.
I want to uninstall Mac Magician without purchasing a program such as Combo Cleaner.
I just did that and restarted the computer. Looks like that far.
How to uninstall Mac Magician