dead iMac 2010/27", contractictory diagnostic led versus test pin voltage
My iMac 2010/27" died all of sudden. I left it running and rather than being asleep when I returned a few hours later, it was dead. It's totally dead, no fan or drive noise, no screen, no lights, no nothing. I have followed the diagnostic procedure described in Apple's technician guide for this iMac. The diagnostic leds do *not* light, not even led #1 indicating good standby power. However, logic board test pin #4 measures 12 volts indicating good standby power. Further, the power button test good (continuity when pressed), test pin #12 shows the expected power on request when the power button is pressed (voltage is pulled down), and I then see 12 volts on pin 11 indicating good run-mode power.
But this leaves me with contradictory indications. The diagnostic led absence indicates a bad power supply, but the presence of good test point voltages indicate a good power supply. Perhaps then, the logic board is dead, but I've read other comments indicating that diagnostic led #1 is pretty definitive indication that the power supply is malfunctioning and that the circuit to light the led it is fool proof and that the diagnostic led 1 circuitry is unlikely to fail in its own right (but that what just a random online opinion). This leaves the diagnosis uncertain. Is is power supply, or is it the logic board, or something else?
Does any have experience with this situation?
p.s. I've never gotten so much use of a computer as I did this 2010 iMac. Fantastic computer. I'm quite anxious to resuscitate it so that it can live to compute another day. Although I've already ordered a Mac Mini 2018/i5 to get me through the next decade :).