apple products that do not have Siri
I was watching the TV program ,”Person of Interest” while using my Mac Book Pro laptop .
A friend was talking to me. The Siri ball like indicator showed on my laptop screen. My computer asked my friend to repeat her last statement as it did not understand our conversation.
I did not activate Siri. No one asked Siri anything. Nothing was said that sounded anything close to Siri. Yet Siri was doing surveillance on us while we were watching a program that involved government surveillance. That is very creepy.
I went thru my computer and my Iphone and tried to turn Siri off. Turns out that after you turn Siri off you also have to go thru all of your apps settings and turn Siri off while revoking permissions.
Each time you download an app or update your operating system you have to check everything to make sure Apple is not sneaking something in. The last two so called Security updates I have received were actually attempts to add more surveillance to my devices. They call it AI, but it is surveillance.
I purchased my Mac & Iphone because Apple had a reputation as a security leader. From my experiences I do not believe they still deserve that title.
With Siri “turned off” my phone and computer keep making attempts to force me to use Safari web browser.
With Siri “turned off” I still get occasional suggestions from Siri.
I’m a believer that future Apple products should not have Siri & Safari an integrated part of the operating system. It should be available in the App store for those that want it. We should have choice of web browser also. To force you to use their AI, web browser, and Siri makes Apple just as bad as their competitors whom they claim to be better than. 🤔
What are your experiences with this? Does anyone truly make a secure computer or phone that does not try to force their software on you?
iPhone 13 Pro Max