How to safely remove a calendar invite from a spammer
There is no option to delete a spam calendar invite. I've tried to delete it from the calendar inbox, I've tried deleting it from the proposed date. It seems like a security issue to decline an event from a spammer as that would send a message to the spammer. I tried calling Apple support. Tier 1 suggested declining the event, so I asked to be moved to tier 2 support, who told me to remove it from my email inbox where it came from, but it's already removed and blocked. He said that each time I got a spam message to remove my account from calendar and re-add it. I have not tried this as it's not a realistic solution for every spam message. I feel like spammers are going to get wind of this idea and start flooding people with calendar invites that they cannot delete.
I looked at the support website and only found how to remove events that are already added, not invites.
I can't be the only person who thinks replying to spammers is a security issue, or the only person who thinks removing and re-adding your account is not a solution.