Music App Keeps Resetting Media Folder Location and Preferences After Restart
I’m experiencing a persistent problem with the Music app on my iMac. My music collection is located at:
/Macintosh HD/Users/myUser/Music
This folder contains music I’ve purchased from iTunes, tracks I’ve ripped from CDs, as well as MP3 files purchased from Google Play and other sources.
The issue is that every time I open the Music app, it defaults to the following path:
/Macintosh HD/Users/myUser/Music/Media
I always manually change this in the Music app preferences to my correct folder:
/Macintosh HD/Users/myUser/Music
When I set this correct path, everything works fine. The app correctly loads my music library from the desired location.
However, after restarting my iMac, the Music app reverts back to the default incorrect location (.../Music/Media), ignoring the path that I set previously. Additionally, the following two options always reset back to being checked after restart, even though I repeatedly uncheck them:
• Keep Music Media folder organized
• Copy files to Music Media folder when adding to library
I’ve already tried the following troubleshooting steps without success:
1. Checked file and folder permissions on /Macintosh HD/Users/myUser/Music and confirmed I have full read/write access.
2. Deleted Music app preference files:
3. Cleared caches and containers associated with the Music app:
4. Removed and allowed Music app to regenerate its internal library files (Music Library.musiclibrary) by temporarily moving them out from the default directory.
None of these steps resolved the issue. After each restart, the Music app still defaults to the incorrect path (.../Music/Media) and rechecks the two unwanted settings.
I’m seeking advice on how to permanently resolve this issue and have the Music app remember my desired music folder location and preferences correctly.
Thank you very much for your assistance!
iMac 24″, macOS 15.3