A guestion mark appears instead of the picture sent in email
When I send an email with a chart or picture, it often is transmitted with a question mark symbol rather than the picture. How do I correct this?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 15.3
When I send an email with a chart or picture, it often is transmitted with a question mark symbol rather than the picture. How do I correct this?
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 15.3
In my experience different email apps have different capabilities. For example, when I import a JPG picture in Thunderbird I can easily resize it by using the drag feature. In the Mail app it must b done differently and is more limited in what sizes are available. I have found that certain kinds of formats will not display to the receiver. In conclusion, I suggest that the file is in the wrong format for your email app. You can click it to open it and then, under the File menu, convert it to another format which is readable.
A guestion mark appears instead of the picture sent in email