iTunes no longer plays the movies I have from Apple on my PC.
iTunes no longer plays the movies I have from Apple on my
PC. I hear sound but no picture. I see this problem has been around for
several years now. Still no fix. I have spent thousands, $40,000.00+, on Apple
products. I still have Apple products, including
laptops, Apple TVs (x3), Watches, and phones (x2), but I have had every phone
Apple has made. I have owned network
gear and time machines. The point is I
just need the PC to play our movies and music bought from Apple. Is this really how a trillion-dollar company
treats its customers? Are you worried that
your customers might steal something or that you might lose a sale if people
could play a movie on their PC?
Yes, I have tried the recommended fix from Apple multiple
times, and nothing has worked.
So far, thanks for nothing and stealing our money.