If WD Lock is some kind of Western Digital software, perhaps some encryption tool, don't use it. There are many reports of things similar to it (if not identical to it) that tend to break upon an incremental macOS software update, or for any variety of other reasons, leaving the user with no ability to read the affected drives.
Western Digital drives are fine. Their software is a mess though, so don't install anything bundled with their drives. Same goes for Seagate for that matter. The first thing anyone should do with a new external storage device is erase it with Disk Utility, which accomplishes two things: it prepares the drive for use with a Mac, and it precludes any possibility of installing some "free" junk you don't need.
Use Disk Utility's encryption option instead of third party utilities: Encrypt and protect a storage device with a password in Disk Utility on Mac - Apple Support
Tip: You can change the icon of your yellow disk icon on the desktop to something you like. Cool!
AI has difficulty understanding fingers.