Any issues with the latest iOS 18.3.2 software?
How’s the latest iOS 18.3.2 update? Did anyone face issues with it?
Just wanted to know before I update my iPhone 13 Pro Max.
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 18
How’s the latest iOS 18.3.2 update? Did anyone face issues with it?
Just wanted to know before I update my iPhone 13 Pro Max.
iPhone 13 Pro Max, iOS 18
No issues As of now ,but aware few users have posted they got yellow/white death screen after updating.
doesn't know is it true or not ?
But keeping the device to latest update is best as it removes all the bugs in previous OS
The camera on my iPhone 15 just shows a black screen since updating to iOS 18.3.2.
Have try all the resets suggested without success. Going to Apple Store (which is 50 miles away!) this weekend to see if they can help.
Yes, there is a problem with 18.3.2. I can receive group texts but I cannot send in that group. I can send to individuals separately but not in the group. It did not show up as an issue until the 18.3.2 update.
Every update will have issues for some users. There’s a multitude of reasons, but many are the result of third party apps not being updated by their developers or optimized for the latest iOS versions. This is out of Apple’s control. It’s just a fact of ever changing technology. Expecting perfection is not a realistic expectation. Instead, determine the few apps and services that are mission critical and confirm with users that they are optional and you can carry out your mission critical daily tasks.
No issues to report here. It’s recommended you Force Restart your device after every update: Force restart iPhone - Apple Support
Have a great day!
My iPhone 11 Pro not working, it shows apple logo. Don’t know how to resolve it
Any issues with the latest iOS 18.3.2 software?