MIDI IN sets any CHANNEL back to 1 (Score Editor/Piano Roll)
The issue is very complex but i just point out the key info here an dupdate later:
When i toggle the MIDI IN button, it FILTERS all channels back to channel one. This makes impossible to properly write a polyphonic piano staff. It also cancels the midi channel choice i do when i do note input via step input. It does not matter the method, i wont get my channels written correctly: everything behaves as 1! If i recored midi, or play and do capture recording all works fine. This is a bad behavior of the midi in button. I assume this can be solved with the midi environment, i hope so. Perhaps it is that sequencer thing, or a bad default setting post sequencer altering the channel that comes correctly from my keyboard.
I beg Apple to IMPROVE THE SCORE EDITOR AND POLYPHONIC NOTATION, so much as working with MIDI CHANNELS. The Logic Remote can be drastically improved for a better workflow with midi and scores, for we dont need to use METAGRID and STREAMDECK. It is unbelieveble how archaich this is still in 2025 , considering this is the core of the midi capabilities. This is the very fact that might put Logic behind some daws.
Mac Studio, macOS 13.7