> I have built a document that consists of photos and text blocks
Then you're not using Sections since, as I described, Sections only exist to delineate continuous-flow text.
> I would love to not use sections, but it seems that sections exist by default.
Well.. I guess there is at least one section in the main block, if that's what you mean, but the entire document can be "one section" if that's what you want.
> Having built my pages, all with full-page photo backgrounds, there is nowhere for me to put a cursor and create a section break to divide up the document into individual pages so I can move them around or delete one. They all live, by default, in one joined section and I cannot separate them. Does that explain it better?
OK, 'full page photo backgrounds' wasn't clear from the earlier post.
How are you setting the background photo? Are you using Document -> Section -> Background -> Image Fill? or are you adding a photo to your document via Media -> Photos and Videos.
If you're adding images through the Media option, each image has an option to 'Stay on Page' or 'Move with Text', and this affects how it moves as the text changes around it.

If set to 'Stay on Page' then the image will be locked in position and text will flow above/below or around it (depending on the 'Text Wrap' setting).
If set to 'Move with Text', then it will stay with the same relative paragraph, so as that paragraph moves around the document (via edits, inserts, etc.), the image will move with it.
Does that not meet your ask? Maybe I'm still not visualizing your document.