Final Cut Pro export mp4 corrupted freezes , but fine on n4v export, version 11.0.1
Hi everyone
Just exported a 6 minute movies as mp4 1080 h264 on Final Cut Pro 11.0.1 , if I export to desktop sometimes plays fine sometimes not, if I transfer to usb stick it has problems, if I play on an lg tv it has same problems.
If I export a n4v it has none of the problems above its in h264 ,
If i change the filename to mp4 from n4v it has no problems, older versions of FCP I had no problem exporting to mp4 and have done 30 to 90 minute movies , now with this version 11.0.1 if fails every time I do an export mp4 h 264 , but no problems exporting to n4v.
Am I doing something wrong or is FCP version 11.0.1 corrupted in mp4.
Please help, thank you.
I am Sonoma 14.7.1
iMac Pro (2017)