Logic session is corrupting imported audio files
I was trying to import 4 vocal overdubs into an existing Logic session. At the tail end of 2 of them and in the middle of one of the others, individual syllables that should have been no more than a dotted-eighth note dragged on for many bars. Here's what the one on the bottom looked like:
(That went on for 11 bars)
Turns out that creating a new session, importing the files there, then copying & pasting back into the original session was the work-around. But that (along with a call to Apple support) is a ridiculous amount of time and effort for something that should be drag-and-drop simple.
Does anyone have any ideas about what setting got tweaked? (I'm on a Macbook M1, Logic 11.1.2, OS 15.3.2)
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.3