How do you copy a Category?
I have a category that has subcategories. Is it possible to duplicate the entire category and change it to year 2? or do you have to just copy each line?
I have a category that has subcategories. Is it possible to duplicate the entire category and change it to year 2? or do you have to just copy each line?
Best way would probably be to
If you need to make multiple copies:
In step 4 paste several times
In step 5 change each group of rows to the next year.
With categories on:
Doing it with a plain table (first method) seems more robust and you can see exactly what happened. When you do it with Categories on (second method), it sorts it immediately and that makes it harder to tell if it did what you wanted.
Best way would probably be to
If you need to make multiple copies:
In step 4 paste several times
In step 5 change each group of rows to the next year.
With categories on:
Doing it with a plain table (first method) seems more robust and you can see exactly what happened. When you do it with Categories on (second method), it sorts it immediately and that makes it harder to tell if it did what you wanted.
That's how I figured it worked. I saw a Collapse Group and Expand Group so was hoping I was missing the duplicate group somewhere.
How do you copy a Category?