Once again, step by step.
1. I have an object that I am tracking.
2. The tracking works perfectly if the object is visible in the frame.
3. When the object moves out of the frame, object tracking gets confused because it can no longer find the object and starts behaving unpredictably.
4. I select the section on the timeline from the beginning of the clip to the moment the object appears and remove the tracking.
5. I place the cursor on the last frame where the tracking works correctly.
6. I click on the next frame and manually move the tracking out of the screen.
7. I repeat step 6 until the object is far beyond the screen.
8. I create a text and assign it to this tracking.
9. Everything works perfectly—the text moves out of the screen according to the tracking. Great!
10. Now I try to slightly adjust the tracking by manually moving the tracking grid.
11. Unfortunately, the text assigned to the tracking no longer follows the new corrected path but sticks to the old one.
Why does this happen? How can I fix it? I can’t click “Analyze” because the object is out of the frame, so there’s nothing to analyze. How can I make the text follow the new adjusted tracking path?