Problem with object tracking - manual points

I have a problem with object tracking. I need the object to enter from one side of the image and exit on the other side. When I assign a tracker to the object, it works fine:

but as soon as I adjust manualy the tracker, the object no longer follows it:

What I'm doing wrong? I have no idea... :(

Posted on Mar 15, 2025 11:30 AM

19 replies
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Mar 15, 2025 4:51 PM in response to aqstyk

Q1: What macOS version?

Q2: What FCP version?


The edit I want to look at isn't in the YouTube video. I need to look at your edits. Please share your project by following these steps.

  1. Create an XML of the oldest version
  2. Upload the XML and clip [A001_01210910..] to WeTransfer
  3. Send it to yourself
  4. Post the link you got

Mar 20, 2025 12:37 PM in response to Tom Wolsky

Use feedback In the Final Cut Pro menu.

Tom, this is not a bug. The tracking function is normal.

  1. The OP is confusing the tracker's position control with its transformation control.
  2. The OP does not understand the difference between "offset" and "pin it to your tracker".
  3. The procedure is wrong.

These are the causes. Users who correctly understand 1-3 will be able to make the title follow the modified tracker. Again, the tracking function is normal. It's a matter of the user's understanding. Unfortunately, the OP seems unwilling to follow my advice, so I won't offer a solution.


Mar 20, 2025 12:48 PM in response to LocaAlicia


  1. No I'm not confusing. See video please:)
  2. I'm understand this options very well
  3. What is wrong with this procedure?

Which advice, I cannot see any advice there. Send you the project? This is your advice? I talked to other Final Cut users on other groups, and they were all able to reproduce this strange behavior. They unanimously consider it a bug. It’s a shame you don’t see it. There’s nothing more I can do.


Mar 15, 2025 1:20 PM in response to aqstyk

The videos are a bit too quick for me, but it seems to me that you are trying to offset the text so that it follows the tracker is positioned not over the object that is tracked, but somewhat to the side.

To do that, do not move the tracker; instead, select the text in the timeline, activate the Transform tool, and click on Transform, then move the text, not the tracker.


Mar 15, 2025 11:51 AM in response to aqstyk

I noticed this pattern. When I do it this way, it works:

When I first make the entire move and then add my own object’s movement, and then assign it to the new text, it works. But when I want to fix something (meaning the object’s movement), the text no longer follows new position.


Mar 16, 2025 8:24 AM in response to aqstyk

Once again, step by step.

1. I have an object that I am tracking.

2. The tracking works perfectly if the object is visible in the frame.

3. When the object moves out of the frame, object tracking gets confused because it can no longer find the object and starts behaving unpredictably.

4. I select the section on the timeline from the beginning of the clip to the moment the object appears and remove the tracking.

5. I place the cursor on the last frame where the tracking works correctly.

6. I click on the next frame and manually move the tracking out of the screen.

7. I repeat step 6 until the object is far beyond the screen.

8. I create a text and assign it to this tracking.

9. Everything works perfectly—the text moves out of the screen according to the tracking. Great!

10. Now I try to slightly adjust the tracking by manually moving the tracking grid.

11. Unfortunately, the text assigned to the tracking no longer follows the new corrected path but sticks to the old one.

Why does this happen? How can I fix it? I can’t click “Analyze” because the object is out of the frame, so there’s nothing to analyze. How can I make the text follow the new adjusted tracking path?


Mar 16, 2025 11:40 AM in response to Luis Sequeira1

I tried to detach the tracking and reassign it. The text still does not follow the new tracking. Below are two examples:

1. Tracking was done automatically, plus additional points added manually by me:


2. I manually changed the position of the tracking grid (at the begining of the clip). The text no longer changes its position, even when I reassign it. It just follows the old tracking.

I’m not sure if this is a Final Cut bug or if I’m doing something wrong.

It's now clear or not?

This is fresh new macbook and new fresh and newest version od Final Cut Pro X 11.0.1 downloaded from appstore.


Mar 18, 2025 1:32 PM in response to aqstyk

This doesn't happen in my environment. The tracking function works fine. There is a high possibility that the cause lies in your procedure or project.

No one will cooperate with someone who refuses to provide the requested information and only asks for a solution. Please look for the cause yourself.


Mar 20, 2025 6:44 AM in response to aqstyk

Yes, it looks like a bug. Below, I am providing a solution to this problem:

1. Select the title and go to Video Inspector,

2. Remember the position/rotation/scale of the title,

3. In the tracker’s options, switch Behavior from “Offset from Tracker” to “Pin to Tracker” and then back to “Offset from Tracker,”

4. If necessary, re-enter the previously saved position/rotation/scale.

And now, the text layer is again stuck to the new movement of the tracking mesh again.

Can someone report this bug to Apple?


Mar 20, 2025 7:00 AM in response to LocaAlicia

We have just conducted an experiment on different versions of Final Cut on different computers. The problem is definitely reproducible, so it’s clearly a bug. Please, before you make a judgment, follow exactly what I wrote in the points above.


Mar 20, 2025 1:51 PM in response to aqstyk

What happens if you change from using Scale to Font Size?

Actually - never mind — I just looked at the 2nd video you posted. You're trying to track off the edge of the image/clip. NOTHING exists out there to track. The tracking mechanism is going to the edge of the clip and resetting itself there and the text just drifts back to its original position.

You need to find something else to track that is ALWAYS in the scene and use the Offsets to position the text relative to the Bush/Tree you're trying to track in the example.


Problem with object tracking - manual points

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