itunes 12.13.6 and apple devices app don't recognize my iphone on Windows 11

I'm unable to connect my iphone 14 on my two Windows 11 laptops.

Installed and uninstalled itunes 8 times (iTunes64Setup.exe) and alyo tried iTunes App from the Microsoft Store version.

Checked my pc is well authorised from my apple account, OK.

Run iTunes in administrator mode, I'm well connected to my Apple account in iTunes.

When connecting my iPhone on my computer, I can well see and access my picture files from Windows Explorer after having trusted access to iPhone from my iPhone, so PC USB connection is working well.

I have latest 12.13.6 iTunes version and my Windows 11 laptops are up to date.

I have latest iOS 18.3.2 installed on my iPhone.

Network connectivity test is correct.

"Device connectivity tests" seems having disappeared from this 12.13.6 iTunes version but previous iTunes versions was showing an error "iPod Support Service is not installed".

iPhone icon not displaying in itunes.

Same issue with "Apple Devices" App downloaded from Microsoft Store.

This "Apple Devices" app is well detecting my iPhone connects, displaly message "Trust iPhone?" and pressing button "Yes" nothing happen...

When trying to run this "Apple Devices" app in administrator mode, App doesn't start, only normal mode works.

I don't know what else to do, I have been trying for 5 weeks now connecting my iPhone....

Thanks for your help !!!!

Windows, Windows 11 (26100)

Posted on Mar 15, 2025 9:25 AM

8 replies
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Mar 15, 2025 9:43 AM in response to fréderic73

If you install any of Apple Music, Apple TV or Apple Devices these will cripple iTunes such that it can only show the audiobooks and podcasts sections of the library, and suppresses all device management functions. Remove whichever have been installed so iTunes can work correctly again.

If that hasn't helped try iOS device not showing in iTunes for Windows - Apple Community. You might also consider rolling back to the previous build of iTunes if you cannot get the current one to work correctly for you. Link at the very bottom of Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Window update - Apple Community if required.



Mar 16, 2025 7:03 AM in response to turingtest2

Hi! Thanks for your reply!

In fact I have already done most of these points in page "Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates" (

1) iTunes launch errors caused by QTMovieWin.dll => file not found => OK

2) Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components => I already went through these steps, I even saved and deleted extra entries from registry about ipod service, iTunes program....

3) iTunes launch errors caused by iAdCore.dll => file not found => OK

4) Install missing components => I went again now trough step 2 "Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components", I re-uninstalled everything.

Unipped iTunes64Setup.exe version

Reinstalled every msi components (Bonjour64.msi, AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi, AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi, iTunes64.msi), remark: Doing this way doesn't allow to execute msi files as Administrator ...

Did a shutdown of both my Computer and my iPhone 14 completely for at least 1 hour.

Connected my iPhone with lightning to USB cable, pressed yes to "Trust computer".

I can see, access and copy my picture files from Windows Explorer (This PC\Apple iPhone\Internal Storage).

Opened iTunes using "Execute as Administrator"

Got error "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. An unknown error occurred (0xE8000003)"

Used Help > Run Diagnostics...

Selected 1) Network connectivity tests, 2) Device connectivity tests and 3) Device sync tests

Next >

1) Network connectivity tests => OK. Network interfaces verified OK, Internet connection veified OK and Secure link to iTunes verified OK => 3 green lignts Result: "All tests passed"

Next >

2) Device connectivity tests => KO. iPod support service not installed KO (red light). Apple Mobile Device is running OK. iTunes Helper is not running KO (red light). No USB ports found OK. No FireWire (IEEE 1394) ports found OK. No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found KO (red light)

Next >

3) Device sync tests => KO. No iPod, iPhone, or iPad found KO (red light)

Next >

After clicking last time on button "Next >" iTunes is freezing and can only be stopped using task manager > end task.

Restarted commputer

Opened iTunes normally, Help > Check for Updates

Downloaded and installed latest version trough "Apple Software Update".

Restarted commputer one more time.

started iTunes.

Connected my iPhone with lightning to USB cable, pressed yes to "Trust computer".

Got again error "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. An unknown error occurred (0xE8000003)".

Any other clue to resolve issue ?

Thanks for your next update....


Mar 22, 2025 8:50 AM in response to turingtest2

Hello, i'm progressing a little bit on my way identifying root cause of iPhone not detected by iTunes on Windows11.

I'm getting error :

I can see in the Windows Event Viewer > Applications and Services Logs > Microsoft > Windows > CodeIntegrity > Operational:

Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\svchost.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Microsoft signing level requirements.

So my Question, when will Apple correct this issue and sign with correct required Microsoft signing authorizations file mdnsNSP.dll ???

I'm a bit surprised that not a lot of people are reporting this issue ...

Any clue about this issue and how to resolve it ?


Mar 17, 2025 11:57 AM in response to turingtest2

Hello turingtest2,

I always research the latest iTunes updates before installing. Unlike the above user, I’m still running Windows 10 & do not use Apple Music or Apple TV. Don’t think I use Apple Devices (if it is an app, then definitely not), but I have several apple devices I connect to my PC to sync music on a regular basis. I rarely ever have syncing issues. I only had problems - years ago - with an older iPod Touch, which would mess up & duplicate my playlists in iTunes. But all works fine, now, with the newest (and last) iPod Touch version ever sold. Plus my 3 iPads (2 are pros), my iPod Classic & my iPhone 14 Pro always sync quickly & without any issues.

It is for this reason I often think “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” when considering the latest iTunes for Windows update.

Do you think I should be able to safely download 12.13.6 without it causing problems? I’m always cautious each time a new version is released. Especially when the current one (for me this is 2 versions ago - I think 12.13.4?) works just fine. But I know the security value of having the latest version. Please reassure me I should not be concerned.


Mar 19, 2025 2:13 PM in response to turingtest2

Do I need to create a Windows 10 virtual machine on my Windows 11 computer to make iTune work again ?

I have just tried my son's computer with is Windows 10 and my iPhone is well recognized ...

I have been unable to make iTunes work under windows 11.... and THIS MAKES ME CRAZY after 5 weeks working on the issue ...

So my last idea and guess is to make it work using Windows10 virtual machine ...


itunes 12.13.6 and apple devices app don't recognize my iphone on Windows 11

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