itunes 12.13.6 and apple devices app don't recognize my iphone on Windows 11
I'm unable to connect my iphone 14 on my two Windows 11 laptops.
Installed and uninstalled itunes 8 times (iTunes64Setup.exe) and alyo tried iTunes App from the Microsoft Store version.
Checked my pc is well authorised from my apple account, OK.
Run iTunes in administrator mode, I'm well connected to my Apple account in iTunes.
When connecting my iPhone on my computer, I can well see and access my picture files from Windows Explorer after having trusted access to iPhone from my iPhone, so PC USB connection is working well.
I have latest 12.13.6 iTunes version and my Windows 11 laptops are up to date.
I have latest iOS 18.3.2 installed on my iPhone.
Network connectivity test is correct.
"Device connectivity tests" seems having disappeared from this 12.13.6 iTunes version but previous iTunes versions was showing an error "iPod Support Service is not installed".
iPhone icon not displaying in itunes.
Same issue with "Apple Devices" App downloaded from Microsoft Store.
This "Apple Devices" app is well detecting my iPhone connects, displaly message "Trust iPhone?" and pressing button "Yes" nothing happen...
When trying to run this "Apple Devices" app in administrator mode, App doesn't start, only normal mode works.
I don't know what else to do, I have been trying for 5 weeks now connecting my iPhone....
Thanks for your help !!!!
Windows, Windows 11 (26100)