Keynote to mock up and test interactive UI mock-ups
Hello, I'm a long-time Powerpoint user wishing to explore Keynote to mock up and test interactive UI mock-ups. I've been doing this at work (it's a Microsoft 365 environment) to develop DIY training for Neurodiverse staff who don't have the time to read extended pdf manuals.
Anyhow, I've also found that Neurotypical staff also want to use the interactive training rather than read manuals or watch Youtube videos. So - at home, I have my own personal projects I want to do on my Mac and I wondered if Keynote has the tools to make non-linear presentations allowing me to put buttons / clickable areas that will allow a user to go backwards and forwards within a presentation in a way that simulates using a complex App with lots of interface buttons and tabs.
If it can - I have a question for an utter novice to Keynote.. Any tips or is it very similar to Powerpoint in use and feel?
I know there are tools like Flutterflow / Rive / Figma and even Noesis to mock up and test UI in but I need something that will output a file that I can give to other workers in a self-contained package without having to download an App via a mobile phone store to use.