It will always remain cuz Apple conciders it a third party problem as in a new Mac with more memory.
i updated to 15.3.2 and my external disappeared after over a year of no problems and wouldn’t mount for not even a second where as before it was spaced out.. it was just flashing the icon on the side bar on and off super fast
then i went from one of the usb ports on the back that i had it plugged into originally to one of the front ones using a usb to c adapter and it recognized it finally
bro i do have the fix the problem was you need it to mount for longer then a half a second to make it work so once i got it mounted i was able to run it with amphetamine it’s a free app someone developed to combat the premature ejectulation problem
i ran it for over a year with no problems up until the new update
i don’t trust a whole lot but for over a year I been running with amphetamine and no ejection problems download amphetamine it’s the only fix there’s a couple others but this one’s the best open the menu set duration to run to indefinitely go to settings and look for the drive alive tab click it you’ll see a plus symbol click plus symbol add the drive and check the box there ya go
you can set up screen saver and what not
it wakes the drive every 10 seconds doesn’t interfere with performance no malware or bs and the frustration of constant not ejected properly notices no still get your screen saver just shutdown like normal set amphetamine to start on start up and basically forget about it