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姉妹品 BAT_EA.html English Ainu Japanese made 200,000 word list dictionary containing Moji Bake bugs and W98 japanese encoding that can not be read these 2 pages contain bugs Kumara the author explains that anyone can copy the source free no copy rights the original is a photo copy of a free book made into an html format I copied into OS X Catalina Text edit to delete these ,in brackets
山崩。大争闘. n. A landslip. A very great quarrel. Shintoko, ok
{$A, A K. a, ##.} <Moji bake all kinds of gargled text, the problem is text Edit becomes a mess when deleted and even auto save is off because it ask me to make a copy duplicate and Edit that and discard the previous every 5 minutes the dialogue box appears repeatedly stating I do not have permission to edit write the page that is in the folder and go to info and change the attributes my aim is to use these Ainu words phrases as a predictive text dictionary
n. Lacquer Ware.
{>> K. a.+ A =?, BE? #}
. n. A washing basin for clothes. Shinturu-ututta, >>y JLr, y 9 x, # 2 x 2", adv. Near the sea. Shintushpo, Ee:e:y; Sozit, # (= = ?#2). n. Fire embers.
Shinu, シヌ。旬フ、旬ヒ上ル。簡ヒ寄ル・ v.i
iMac 21.5″, macOS 10.15