First aid can’t fix disk
hi there, just looking for some help. recently my iMac was playing up, crashing very easily, (I haven’t updated the OS in ages) I did a full back up with Time Machine on a free hard drive and restarted my Mac and hit command R on the boot up. When trying to run first aid on my hard drive it said ‘first aid process has failed. If possible back up data, click done to continue’ so I clicked done and nothing happened. At the same time I noticed the disk has been unmounted, when I click on ‘mount’ nothing happens. This has never happened before. I tried exiting the recovery mode and when the Mac restarted it didn’t load up and turned off. I have never had this happen on my Mac ever and really worried, just glad I did a full recent back up. My question is that going back into recovery with command R, should I just select ‘restore’ from my external HD? Will that mount the disk again and basically take me back to where I was and would I have to run recovery again after resorting the Mac from the HD? Or will it fix the issue along the way? Pretty sure this has been asked before but just wanted to post my experience step by step to get some help and advice with it. I’ve never had a problem like this on my Mac ever and recently I’ve worried that I might have damaged the hard drive as i moved my Mac in front of a window in a cold room and I realised in recent times it’s probably dropped to 10 degrees Celsius or lower with it right beside the widow, do you think this may be a part of the problem and I might need to buy a new internal HD? Prior to the crashing etc it was still working fine despite a lot of the software being out of date. Many thanks
iMac (2017 – 2020)