Keynote shortcut to Align Objects not working.
I am using "⌃⇧C" to try to center objects in Keynote (Arrange->Align Objects->Center), but it is not working. I am on a Mac.
Earlier Mac models
I am using "⌃⇧C" to try to center objects in Keynote (Arrange->Align Objects->Center), but it is not working. I am on a Mac.
Earlier Mac models
It seems to work for me.
Do you see the keyboard combination in the menu bar? that's the first check that the Keyboard Shortcut is setup (e.g. it can 'find' the relevant menu item to apply):
Additionally, you say you setup '... Keynote -> Align Objects Center -> Control-Shift-C'... did you include 'Align Objects Center' in the Keyboard Shortcut setup? if so, that could be your problem. You need to specify the exact menu item... its hierarchy in the menu bar doesn't matter, so in this case it should just say 'Center':
I discovered that you have to only mention the final menu item and not the hierarchy.
Second, if the key combo is already taken, it won't work. If it is not taken, Keynote will show your key combo next to the menu item. For aligning I use ctrl-cmd-L, C, R, T, M, B.
I also create a shortcut for it in System Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts -> Keynote -> Align Objects Center -> Contol-Shift-C. And that doesn't work either.
Glad I could help.
It doesn't seem unreasonable to include the hierarchical menu in the Keyboard Shortcut settings, and I know I did that when I first tried using this.
Also makes me wonder what would happen if multiple hierarchical menus have the same wording - without specifying the parent menu, there's no way to control which one the keystroke is applied to. I'll have to find an app that meets this criteria and see what happens.
HI Camelot,
Follow-up question: So the shortcut works when I'm using Keynote on my Mac, but it does not work when the same Keynote is placed on icloud.
I went into System Settings and made sure icloud Drive is on and that Keynote is syncing to icloud.
Any thoughts as to why the shortcut does not work in icloud?
Thank you.
HI Camelot,
Do you know why this shortcut is not working when I work in Keynote on icloud? I went into System Settings and icloud is turned on and also went into "Apps Using iCloud" and confirmed Keynote toggle switch is "on."
Appreciate any thought you may have.
> Do you know why this shortcut is not working when I work in Keynote on icloud?
I don't understand this question - or, at least, don't understand why you think it would work.
The Keyboard Shortcuts, and the ability to define/override command key equivalents for menus, is part of the OS, as such, it is 100% dependent on the specific machine you're working on. It isn't attached to the any document, or, indeed, any particular application, it's something the OS does - it detects the key combination and looks up its table of overrides to see if it should convert it to a menu action in the given app.
There's nothing in the keyboard shortcuts that transfers between MacOS and iOS, especially given the fact that the iOS version of Keynote doesn't even have menus like the MacOS version.
Thank you for your help! I changed my setup to just say "Center" and that did the trick!
Keynote shortcut to Align Objects not working.