AI auto enabled on ALL my apps
Once I saw AI turned automatically after the last iPhone update, all my Apps where slower than dial up speed, I use my phone for business so looked further into it. ALL my apps were turned on to Apple Intelligence. I turned it off in setting but did not turn it off in my apps. Took me over 2 hours to go through each and every app to turn it off. This should have been an option for iPhone users. No way, invading my privacy when I’m on my business emails or Teams, calls, tracking and learning everything I do. Turned them all off and restarted my laptop and my apps started working. Some people love the new changes, but work remote and require security from this. Identity and patient data is critical.
not have to put up with that dang charging sounds. Not good when on conference calls. Can’t turn the volume down, since our meetings require participants chime in on the conversations. I’ve been with is phone since the very beginning old school. Stayed with it because I love the functionality it has to offer and I hate Androids. But this change could cost me my job.
there should be a committee to vote on it to push it whether we want it or not. Let the consumers know before springing these things on us.
iPhone 15 Pro Max, iOS 18