iphone 16 pro max leaves shadows from previous photos
I take many photos on my iphone for work. I airdrop them to my macbook pro. When I click on the photos on the macbook, a shadow from the previous photo is created. For example, if I take a photo of a hat from one angle, and take a photo of it from another angle, and airdrop those photos to my computer, the second photo will have a shadow or ghost image behind it of the first photo. If I then adjust the exposure on the second photo, the shadow goes away. However, I do not have time to adjust hundreds of photos a day. I'm not sure if the problem has something to do with the iphone, or the computer. The iphone is new and both items have updated software.
It doesn't happen on all photos. I've noticed a few odd things. If none of the photos have a shadow of a previous photo, and I I adjust the exposure in one photo on the Macbook, then the shadow starts to appear in the other photos. Furthermore, when I uploaded photos here to show an example, the shadow is gone. Please help!
iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18