CarPlay not working with iPhone 16 Pro
I upgraded my iPhone 12 Pro to a 16 Pro, and the new phone will not connect to my 2018 Mazda CX-5 with CarPlay. When I plug it in, it charges but makes no sign of connecting.
iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18
I upgraded my iPhone 12 Pro to a 16 Pro, and the new phone will not connect to my 2018 Mazda CX-5 with CarPlay. When I plug it in, it charges but makes no sign of connecting.
iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18
I am so disappointed! My new iPhone 16 Pro does not work connect to my Carplay in my Toyota CHR. Had I known this, I would have upgraded to an iPhone 15 Pro instead. :(
Hi I have an Audi tt with an aftermarket head unit. I just got a 16pro max got an over current message after using a usbc- usb adapter and now nothing works. It still sees the phone and charges but no apple car play stopped working. Wired only. I’ve gone through the comments I’ve changed settings I’ve reset my phone and factory reset the head unit I’ve changed wires, is it possible that the pioneer head unit just isn’t compatible with the phone :/
As a result of many suggestions on how to deal with my iPhone 16 not connecting to Apple CarPlay, I’ve ordered a cable from Amazon to see if it makes a difference. Thank you all for the suggestion. We’ll see if it pans out. CarPlay cord for iPhone 16
Sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere, but I don't have time to read through 13 pages of comments. I did what ZecaHouston recommended, and then a message came up regarding my Siri not being enabled. Once I set up Siri on my new iPhone 16 Pro, my Carplay suddenly decided to work. This is something to try if you are very frustrated and disappointed with your tech situation.
After researching why my 16 pro max wouldn’t work, I found I had to buy the shortest lightning cable, 6 inches, I could find, which was on Amazon. It finally worked, took 3 tries of trying to connect, but it did. The post I found stated the power required to run CarPlay requires a shorter lightning cable. Hope this helps you
This was happening to me too, I tried everything, then I thought that maybe the problem is that the car is programmed to recognize the lightning cable not the USBC so I got a lightning to usbc converter, used it with the lightning cable I had and voila! It works!
I was actually on YouTube and red through a lot of comments, bc other people were still saying there’s wouldn’t work even with a lightning cord. Even though the short cord worked, I ended up ordering a dongle from ottocast to make mine wireless and to me, it’s worth the money, seeing as after using the short cord, I still had to go through the process of reconnecting every time, now I don’t.
i was having the same issue, i went from iphone 13 pro to iphone 16, ive ordered 2 other cords and i finally got it to work. i got the usb c - lightning adapter from apple, you just connect it to your old charger and it worked right away!!!
same here. Just upgraded and i’m so disappointed I have tried EVERYTHING… i’ve been on the phone with apple support with multiple supervisors for hours and nothing has worked. It will connect for a few seconds and then just suddenly cut out. I even tried some the products people recommended here and so far nothing … I have a 2022 car which is fairly new. My 13 pro max never had a problem before
The ‘Belkin BoostCharge USB C charger cable’ fixed the problem for me. I ordered it on Amazon for like £9. I read somewhere that the iPhone 15 and up need a stronger cable to make CarPlay work. Hope this helps.
nope. I haven’t had luck with anything. My software is up to date and i’ve tried restarting network settings and forgetting my “car” and deleting all my bluetooth connections I even bought a new iphone cable thinking the first one was faulty :/
on my case (2023 Honda CRV) I’ve tried all of what has been recommended. Unfortunately none work. So I kept tinkering, here is what worked for me: got Belkin usb a - usb c from Apple Store (about $30). Turn on Bluetooth, download HondaLink, on honda screen tap smartphone and Apple CarPlay shows up, toggle it. It works for me 😊
Which 5 steps?
I am only referring to CarPlay via USB: same 16 Pro Max works in my 2023 Ram but not in my 2019 Mercedes E class. Same legit data cable, tried many cables… older 13 Pro works fine as well. Will try the “allow access” setting, but appreciate the list you refer to… Cheers!
Mercedes folks: I have a 2019 E class that supports CarPlay over USB. I can’t believe I didn’t look for this setting until now, but go to your Mercedes main screen and select Connections and then you should see Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, etc etc. I had to re-enable and reauthorize CarPlay on this screen. Prompts should pop up when you connect the cable to your iPhone 16. First I removed the phone from the Phone menu, and removed the car from the phones Bluetooth settings. No new cables needed, no changes in iPhone settings other than make sure Siri is enabled. Hope this helps.
I had to buy and it works with genuine Samsung adapter if you need to sync with a usb to be able to CarPlay at my local walmart they are 7.88 I think your have to because apple doesn't have a usb-c to usb-A unfortunately
@ailina310. I ungraded my iPhone 11 to a 15 Pro and the 15 Pro would not connect to my Hyundai Santa Fe 3/2018 make with wired Apple Carplay. I recall Apple support telling me that the Apple Engineer new about the problem and that not much can be done.
CarPlay not working with iPhone 16 Pro