How do I show folder sizes in Finder?
In Finder, the Size column only displays the sizes of files. How do I display folder sizes as well?
I know I can see it with Get Info, but I'd like it to be shown in this list.
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 11.3
In Finder, the Size column only displays the sizes of files. How do I display folder sizes as well?
I know I can see it with Get Info, but I'd like it to be shown in this list.
MacBook Air 13″, macOS 11.3
In Monterey, Finder > View > Show View Options, check "Calculate all sizes".
In Monterey, Finder > View > Show View Options, check "Calculate all sizes".
OK, there again, the choice is only available in List Mode, not Column Mode, eachof the for Modes have different choices my friend.:)
Different Options for Desktop & Finder, see if you clicked on a finder window or the Desktop Finder or Desktop...
Hi and thanks for your reply.
I knew there were different view options but, again, it looks like I don't have the calculate size option:
It looks like the folder size option is no longer available in Sonoma?
I'm running the latest OS (14.4) on a 16" MacBook Pro and the option is just nowhere to be found...
Finder>View>Show status Bar
You need to click on the Finder Window's List View and press cmd+J to open Show View Options. On that panel is a checkbox for calculate all sizes. And it accurately shows the folder size in list view once you set it. Works on a per Finder Window setting, not all Finder windows.
I have a separate Quick Action that when I right-click on a folder, it displays the total files and file size for files in that folder as bytes. It excludes package folders and dot files. This correlates with the rounded value shown for calculate all sizes for the same folder.
Tested: macOS 14.4
Thanks for your reply!
I don't have that box apparently?
Just to add, I assume it's the same in most versions of macOS.
Same in Mojave & High Sierra! :)
Unfortunately, Folder size will also include the variably sized .DS_Store file in that folder too. For my local Library folder that .DS_Store file is .139 MB.
How do I show folder sizes in Finder?