Trojans message on my iPad this this real or just them trying to get information
I received a message on my iPad that Trojan has infected it. Is this hokes or real
iPad 2, iOS 9
I received a message on my iPad that Trojan has infected it. Is this hokes or real
iPad 2, iOS 9
Those things are very common scams. Phony "tech support" / "ransomware" popups and web pages - Apple Community contains a few representative screenshots.
Those things are very common scams. Phony "tech support" / "ransomware" popups and web pages - Apple Community contains a few representative screenshots.
I just had a screen blocker come up on my MacAir saying it was from Apple Care and that my computer had been attacked by a Trojan virus. It had a robotic voice telling me “do not turn off the computer or the virus will infect the computer and your data will be accessible and lost”. It said call the number shown on the screen(1-88***) for Apple help. I immediately looked up the number for Apple Support using my iPad and the number shown was different. Apple Support were very helpful and said this was just a pop up and not to call the number, the computer was not infected. If I had called the number I would probably have been asked to pay a small charge and requested to give my bank details or credit card! It was resolved, thanks to Apple Support, by pressing quit under the Apple icon. This then said Safari had to be quit. By clicking on the X for the Safari tab that was open with the spyware, this shut the pop up off.
This was all very alarming but conscious of all of the scammers out there I did not call the number shown on the screen. NEVER DO THIS. Find the correct Apple number and call them. It was resolved by closing the open Safari tab. I have now run a deep scan with Bitdefender and it says, thankfully, “No threats found. No further actions necessary”. Phew!!!
[Edited by Moderator]
It's a hoax. They are, as you surmised, trying to get information from you.
You reacted very wisely!
Trojans message on my iPad this this real or just them trying to get information