Is there a way to attach people in Photos to a contact?
Photos will sometimes suggest a contact when I am labeling photos, but other times it won't. How do I attach people in my people album to a contact?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.14
Photos will sometimes suggest a contact when I am labeling photos, but other times it won't. How do I attach people in my people album to a contact?
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 10.14
Give this a try: boot into Safe Mode according to How to use safe mode on your Mac and test to see if the problem persists. Reboot normally and test again.
NOTE 1: Safe Mode boot can take up to 3 - 5 minutes as it's doing the following;
• Verifies your startup disk and attempts to repair directory issues, if needed
• Loads only required kernel extensions (prevents 3rd party kernel/extensions from loading)
• Prevents Startup Items and Login Items from opening automatically
• Disables user-installed fonts
• Deletes font caches, kernel cache, and other system cache files
NOTE 2: if you have a wireless keyboard with rechargeable batteries connect it with its charging cable before booting into Safe Mode. This makes it act as a wired keyboard as will insure a successful boot into Safe Mode.
Give this a try: boot into Safe Mode according to How to use safe mode on your Mac and test to see if the problem persists. Reboot normally and test again.
NOTE 1: Safe Mode boot can take up to 3 - 5 minutes as it's doing the following;
• Verifies your startup disk and attempts to repair directory issues, if needed
• Loads only required kernel extensions (prevents 3rd party kernel/extensions from loading)
• Prevents Startup Items and Login Items from opening automatically
• Disables user-installed fonts
• Deletes font caches, kernel cache, and other system cache files
NOTE 2: if you have a wireless keyboard with rechargeable batteries connect it with its charging cable before booting into Safe Mode. This makes it act as a wired keyboard as will insure a successful boot into Safe Mode.
Perhaps this may be an item best addressed to 'Apple Feedback.' ~There
new concepts could be considered; and maybe added to macOS or iOS.
Several portals to try, I've just looked into again, (each time I do these..
before addressing anything) to 'Feedback - Product' ~ both divisions.
There is no item within Feedback ~ to address 'Contacts' application.
While that could be a logical place, for changes in either OS to start.
Since the signature line in your post suggests hardware lists MB/Pro,
here's a portal link (in example) to use toward that idea:
• Feedback - MacBook Pro - Apple
[sub-topic: Software/Hardware compatibility??]
Under topic: Hardware device or computer; opens different opportunities
to bring into focus, areas of Software improvement; & address other voids.
This is merely a suggestion. ~ Those other divisions of Apple corporate
Seldom Ever view 'User-to-user' discussion areas, to make improvement.
And this type of issue may be most useful to direct their attention here.
Yes. What I do is crop the photo in Photos to a square with the persons face in the center and export the edited version. I then drag the cropped photo into the contact photo area and adjust. Make the square a big larger than the face so you have some room to adjust the face in the contact card.
Thank you for your response.
What I'm trying to do is attach a contact to a face in Photos. For example, when I add a person's face to a photo it gives me a dropdown of names. Sometimes it has the contact of that person, sometimes it doesn't. I've gone through my People album and merged any duplicates, but I still don't get a contact when I'm choosing from the dropdown consistently and I can't identify why.
I don't think I worded my question correctly, but it's hard to explain in just a few words Supposedly you're supposed to be able to do this, but I have found no documentation anywhere, from the help guides to message boards. It might be an unsolvable. problem.
Thanks again.
A smeredithsummer suggests, Photos is certainly reading the Contacts app, because when I click on a face and type Elly May, it asks if I mean Elly May Clampett in Beverly Hills, information it could get only from my Contacts. But this connection never comes up again. So the answer to the original question is, "no."
I think an interesting question to ask is, "What if they were connected?" That is, if I have a link between Contacts and Photos, what do I want to do with it? Do I want to point to Elly May in Photos and have the computer call her in Beverly Hills? It's hard to see how that would be more useful that just using Contacts.
It might be neat, though, to point to Elly May and get her bio and how she's related to Jethro and others. We already have "Explore View" that shows pictures of connected people in Photos, but I'd like to have a place that tells who these guys are and how they're related. But that doesn't seem to be the sort of thing that's in Contacts.
Sorry-- just rambling...
You’re thinking my thoughts. I’m the family historian and I’m archiving about 40 years of photos. I was hoping that connecting the two might make it easier for me to send photos to interested people if they were linked. I have no evidence this would be the case, but my brain just wants everything to be connected.
I have been wondering how to do this myself. Tried a couple different ways and no luck.
That's why I like to find the photo I want to use, crop it square around the person's face, export to the Desktop and use it.
I think what the OP wants is to connect the person who is in the Contact app with the "Person" in Photos App. Basically linking the same person together with both apps.
If it had the phone linked to my Mac I'd just use Siri to call.
I just called my landline by using Siri on my MacAir. Thought I could. I answer calls on here from time to time.
I'm outside on the porch-- iPhone's inside.
Yes, exactly! Thank you for explaining much better than I did.
Is there a way to attach people in Photos to a contact?