Uploading Library.photoslibrary to iCloud
I have two questions regarding Photos on OSX.
1 - The size of Library.photoslibrary is 91 GB - I have been trying to copy / backup the file into an iCloud folder, but after it copied across (10 seconds or so), there was an error symbol next to the copied file. It's the iCloud logo with a diagonal line going through it. I was hoping to see the upload progression circle next to the iCloud logo in the sidebar, but it didn't happen so am presuming a simple drag & drop (holding down the option key) doesn't work.
Please can you let me know the best way to place a copy on iCloud.
I have a 2 TB storage plan and have only used 500 GB, and therefore have plenty of available storage space.
2 - The reason for doing the aforementioned was due to hard drive space becoming too low on my MacBook (10 GB), and have been looking for ways to alleviate the problem. So, I don't know why it was turned off, but I have since turned on Optimise Mac Storage. After a few minutes, my HD space jumped up to 90 GB. Great!
That solved that for issue for now, but what I am also painstakingly doing is uploading all of my videos from the Photos Library into a Shared Album because I was under the impression that once they are there I would be able to delete them locally so to save space on my Mac's HD, but I can see after doing that for 200 videos my MacBook's HD space is dropping fast.
I have looked online for quite some time tonight, and people are saying that moving photos and videos into Shared Albums and then deleting them from the main Photos library would free up local Mac HD space, but I beg to differ.
Yes, I understand I will see "device-sized" versions, but I cannot understand why my HD space is dropping every time I upload a video and, once it is safely on all of my devices, I delete it locally.
Please can you let me know what actually happens because numerous Apple pages I have been reading don't mention storage space on a Mac's HD.
Thank you
OMG - After writing this, it is now down to 16 GB. Please help!