Health app - Cardio Fitness
Why is my workout at the gym with my heart rate going as high as 120 during a 60 minute session less important to my cardio fitness than a 1.75 mile walk?
Why is my workout at the gym with my heart rate going as high as 120 during a 60 minute session less important to my cardio fitness than a 1.75 mile walk?
The short answer: because that's the way Apple designed the watch.
The longer answer: Walking or running tend to be continuous activities. Whatever you were doing in the gym may not be. It's probably a lot easier and more accurate to get information from continuous activities.
The short answer: because that's the way Apple designed the watch.
The longer answer: Walking or running tend to be continuous activities. Whatever you were doing in the gym may not be. It's probably a lot easier and more accurate to get information from continuous activities.
I agree with the short answer. That was clear to me before I raised the question. Still frustrating. My gym workout is way more stress on my heart and body than my walk ever is. All on flat ground, not particularly fast - 21 minutes per mile. I used to be able to do 15-16 minutes per mile. At 82 years of age, I am happy with 21 minutes/mile. Ran 5 miles any beginning at age 40. At age 60 I began walking 5 miles a day. Due to back injury a year ago my walking is more limited, 1.7 miles/day.
I too have a similar issue as I row hard for 30 min per day, rowing 6,000 to 7,000 m. However Apple don’t seem to use it to measure cardio fitness. Why ever not?? Someone please tell me. Thanks folks.
Speirs1 wrote:
Why ever not?? Someone please tell me. Thanks folks.
Because that's the way Apple designed the watch. Beyond that, no one here in this user-to-user forum could do anything more than guess.
You can certainly let Apple know you'd like to see something different here:
Keep up the great work!
Health app - Cardio Fitness