"Network connection was lost" while upgrade my Mac OS Monterey
Unable to upgrade my Mac OS Monterey cause "Network connection was lost"
Unable to upgrade my Mac OS Monterey cause "Network connection was lost"
Was that a temporary loss or did your signal just completely go away? If it went away and never came back, talk to your service provider.
if the outage was temporary, try again with the installation. If it keeps failing there may be a completely different underlying cause.
Was that a temporary loss or did your signal just completely go away? If it went away and never came back, talk to your service provider.
if the outage was temporary, try again with the installation. If it keeps failing there may be a completely different underlying cause.
Dude, It's not wifi problem. My iPad, iPhone upgrade smoothly. But when I m doing upgrade on my Mac book pro then its show " Network was lost"
"Network connection was lost" while upgrade my Mac OS Monterey