what is the command for typing a word on left side of page and then moving cursor to right side to enter another word
Shortcut for moving cursor to right side of page
Shortcut for moving cursor to right side of page
When you enter a word, the cursor is placed behind that word and is at the right-most location on that line. There is no means to suddenly jump the cursor to the right margin of that line. You are welcome to inspect the Pages keyboard shortcuts, but there is none for that purpose.
When you enter a word, the cursor is placed behind that word and is at the right-most location on that line. There is no means to suddenly jump the cursor to the right margin of that line. You are welcome to inspect the Pages keyboard shortcuts, but there is none for that purpose.
Type the first word.
move the pointer to the horizontal ruler. Place it just to the left of the right margin stop, and click to insert a tab stop.
If the stop is not pointing to the left, double click it to change the type.
There are four possible types when you get the one looking like the one on the left in the image, place the pointer on it, drag it onto the downward pointing margin stop to its right, then drop it on the margin stop.
The two stacked stops should now look like the shape below the "C" in "Com"
Click just after "Word" on the document text. Press tab (once) and type the second Word.
what is the command for typing a word on left side of page and then moving cursor to right side to enter another word