Internal damage
I accidentally dropped redmi note 9 pro max phone on my iPhone 12 screen will it create any internal damage to my iphones screen
iPhone 12, iOS 15
I accidentally dropped redmi note 9 pro max phone on my iPhone 12 screen will it create any internal damage to my iphones screen
iPhone 12, iOS 15
Until you see any malfunction or an Apple Store tech sees damage, the only answer can be "maybe". Keep regular backups from now on is my best advice ... but then "keep regular backups" is ALWAYS good advice.
Until you see any malfunction or an Apple Store tech sees damage, the only answer can be "maybe". Keep regular backups from now on is my best advice ... but then "keep regular backups" is ALWAYS good advice.
Until display stops functioning or battery starts to swell or other mis-behaviors ... even Apple Techs might not spot the damage if they opened it up right now eve if they opened the case.
Be sure to get AppleCare+ within the first 60 days. If they refuse to allow it, then they obviously spotted what you fear. If they allow it, you can rest easier.
The Redmi phone was fallen from the pillow and under the pillow tha iPhone 12 was there so that distance fall makes internal damage because iPhone 12 is just 10 days old
My iPhone12 was perfectly alright it is working as it is but just having bit of scare as it was the new phone
Maybe nothing happened then. Enjoy the new phone!
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my questions 😊
Internal damage