Apple Pay
My Apple Pay isn't working it won't let me receive money or transfer any money to my Apple Pay
My Apple Pay isn't working it won't let me receive money or transfer any money to my Apple Pay
Welcome to Apple Support Community!
If you are experiencing a locked or restricted Apple Cash account
A good resource for this would. be > "If you Apple Cash is locked or restricted"
To resolve this, You will need to contact Apple Support and speak with the Apple Cash Department, and they will have to get you over to the Apple Cash Specialist.
Contact Apple
Hope this helps.
Welcome to Apple Support Community!
If you are experiencing a locked or restricted Apple Cash account
A good resource for this would. be > "If you Apple Cash is locked or restricted"
To resolve this, You will need to contact Apple Support and speak with the Apple Cash Department, and they will have to get you over to the Apple Cash Specialist.
Contact Apple
Hope this helps.
Apple Pay