This is not a chat service, and is not a way to communicate directly with Apple; it is a user-to-user technical support forum. If you have a question or issue that you think another user can help you with please describe it in as much detail as you can and a user who sees your request and thinks they can help will answer, but that might not be immediate; it could be hours or days later.
If you want to contact Apple use the Get Support link at the top of this page or call Apple by choosing a number from this list→Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support
Here is some guidance on how to get the most out of ASC→Writing an effective Apple Support Communities post
And posting personal information in this public forum visible to several billion people around the world is not a wise thing to do.
As far as your issue is concerned: If you were charged by Apple for something there are a few possibilities:
The bottom line is that Apple never charges you for any purchase without authorization. So someone with access to your account must have made the purchase or subscription, if it wasn’t a scam message.
If it is a specific item on your bank or credit card statement see this link ➡️ If you see "" or an unfamiliar charge on your statement - Apple Support
You can review all of your purchases as described in this link ➡️ See your purchase history for the App Store or iTunes Store - Apple Support
If it is a subscription you can cancel it here ➡️ See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support.
Note that subscriptions are not canceled when you delete an app; the subscription must be canceled separately from deleting the app.
And you can request a refund here ➡️ Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support