Contacts icon on iPhone 12
Icon missing from phone. Can find within phone icon but not on screen
Windows, Windows 6
Icon missing from phone. Can find within phone icon but not on screen
Windows, Windows 6
See whether you can find the Contacts icon in the App Library which is the last page of the Home Screen when you continue to SWIPE LEFT. If you find it, then you drag it out of there and place it on your favorite part of the Home Screen.
If that does not work then open Settings ➔ General ➔ Reset ➔ Reset Home Screen Layout.
Axel F.
See whether you can find the Contacts icon in the App Library which is the last page of the Home Screen when you continue to SWIPE LEFT. If you find it, then you drag it out of there and place it on your favorite part of the Home Screen.
If that does not work then open Settings ➔ General ➔ Reset ➔ Reset Home Screen Layout.
Axel F.
It appears that the Contacts app is deleted from your iPhone. You can download it again from the App Store. Open the App Store app ➔ Search (Bottom Right) ➔ Search for Contacts ➔ Download it (Cloud sign with down arrow). See image below.
Once downloaded then you can locate and open the Contacts app.
Axel F.
Contacts app icon is missing - not in the App Library and did not reappear after resetting the home screen layout. Contacts still accessible through the Phone icon. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
Contacts icon on iPhone 12