Download Issue
When I download an .ipa file from Safari and try to open it, I always encounter this problem!
Please can you help me to solve this problem ?
Because I’ve tried everything but nothing work.
When I download an .ipa file from Safari and try to open it, I always encounter this problem!
Please can you help me to solve this problem ?
Because I’ve tried everything but nothing work.
Hi, don’t try to open it from safari. Instead, go to the app store and try to get it from there. Also, if it doesn't help, sign out of your icloud and then restart your phone. Then sign back in and it should solve your problem.
Hope this helps
Hi, don’t try to open it from safari. Instead, go to the app store and try to get it from there. Also, if it doesn't help, sign out of your icloud and then restart your phone. Then sign back in and it should solve your problem.
Hope this helps
App Store exists for a reason. You are using an iPhone and not an android so install your apps from the official App Store.
if you do not have something to say, it is not necessary to speak.
if you will help me thank you, if not; enough to leave
My reply is based on the picture and information you provided. From what I can see, you are trying to install Snapchat from safari.
Did I misunderstand your inquiry?
Thank u 😍🤗🤗🤗
Its snapchat++
Download Issue