Installing a catalan dictionary
Does anyone know how to install a catalan dictionary to get the spell check properly working when I write in that language?
Mac mini, macOS 11.2
Does anyone know how to install a catalan dictionary to get the spell check properly working when I write in that language?
Mac mini, macOS 11.2
andreu75 wrote:
Thank you Tom, but I would like it for spellcheck my grammar in whatever macOS application I use, such as Mail or TextEdit if it is possible. I am not currently using OpenOffice at all.
Apple apps can also use the Open Office dictionaries.
How well they work is something you can only tell by testing. You need to set system prefs > keyboard > text > spelling to Catalan. "Automatic" will probably not work.
andreu75 wrote:
Thank you Tom, but I would like it for spellcheck my grammar in whatever macOS application I use, such as Mail or TextEdit if it is possible. I am not currently using OpenOffice at all.
Apple apps can also use the Open Office dictionaries.
How well they work is something you can only tell by testing. You need to set system prefs > keyboard > text > spelling to Catalan. "Automatic" will probably not work.
Thank you for that second link. Indeed, I have to set my keyboard preferences to Catalan if I want it to work, which is a bit of a pain since I write in several languages, but this is better than nothing.
By the way, as said by person who wrote the second article, better not to do this. It does not work fine. I guess you must relaunch your computer each time you change between Catalan and other languages to make it work. In my case, it did work fine once (more or less, still has trouble recognizing Catalan verb conjugations), but did not when I changed later on from automatic to Catalan. A pain in the.
Thank you Tom, but I would like it for spellcheck my grammar in whatever macOS application I use, such as Mail or TextEdit if it is possible. I am not currently using OpenOffice at all.
Installing a catalan dictionary